random thoughts on railroad photography, railfanning, technology, and such

Entries in Artist (1)


The Perils of Railfanning and Home Decor

Being a fan of railroads these days has many challenges, to say the least.  First there are the elements to contend with while on location at your favorite train viewing location.  And then there are the snakes and critters (mis-informed or ill-intended railroad cops and foremen) and animals to deal with.  

Trust me, the last thing we need are challenges on the home front.  Well, sometimes it can be difficult to be dedicated to the cause, so to speak.

I suspect that I am not the only one who has a difficult time of getting railroad-themed “art” or items to meet with the approval of the significant other “home decor committee.”  The experience is often not unlike the infamous wagon-wheel coffee table scene from “When Harry Met Sally.” I have several cool pieces of railroadiana that I have collected over the years, to include a seat from a caboose, a scissors-gate dispatcher’s phone, and the obligatory railroad switch lantern, all of which are proudly displayed — in the garage!  (At least for now!  When I become a super successful and world-renown railroad blogger then I am going to run away with Salma Hayek and we will have railroadiana everywhere…)(Hey, a guy can dream!)

Tim LeefeldtWell it might be a little easier now to express your wonderful sense of style and love of all things railroad thanks to a talent architect and artist, Tim Leefeldt. Tim is an architect by trade but finds great passion in creating useful home decor items with re-purposed industrial materials, including railroad items.  He has several web sites where he presents and sells his items. His rail-related site is RailroadWare.

Tim has built quite a catalog of useful items that transcend the gap between railroad garbage and useful and expressive elements of fine living.  There are many items that all good railfans should have in their homes that should meet with the approval of the spouse.  Take a look at the simple elegance of this sconce.  It should complement any den or family room nicely:

There are plenty of items that any decent train room would be lucky to have as well.  Everything from hooks and knockers to pulls and racks.  One item I like a lot is the toilet paper holder:

Apparently there is no limit to the imagination and ingenuity of the human spirit.  So go check out Tim’s work and talent at his site, RailroadWare.com and tell them ChasingSteel sent you. 

P.S. “Come on sweetheart, it was a joke. You know I love you and only you. Please unlock the door!”